5 Reasons Why Consistency is an Important Habit
When you know why consistency is an important habit to have, you can use it to your advantage.
It’s unlikely you will achieve great things if you’re not consistently making smart decisions and taking the right actions.
One thing unsuccessful people have in common is they lack consistency. This means if you want to become a successful person, you must practice consistent thinking, stay disciplined, and show have greater intention for the things you do.
What Does it Mean to Be Consistent?
When you’re consistent, it means you’re dedicated to carrying an activity or completing a task. It means you’re clear on what you want to accomplish and are taking steps to reach it.
To be consistent is a commitment you make to yourself and others. It’s about keeping your word to carry out what you’ve agreed to do. Your level of consistency reflects your values and standards.
When you’re consistent, you’re doing what’s required now to achieve a better outcome. Therefore, consistency is about repetition. It’s about doing the same things repeatedly over time to reach a goal.
Why Do People Struggle with Consistency?
There are several things that can cause a person to struggle with consistency. These can include:
Lack of patience.
Desire for instant gratification.
Lack of clarity and focus.
Not having supporting habits or triggers.
Having a “all or nothing” mindset.
Leadership expert John Maxwell says, “Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.”
When you know the reasons why consistency is an important habit to have, you can take steps to develop it and avoid becoming like unsuccessful people.
When we know the reasons why consistency is an important habit to have, we can take steps to develop it.
When I started writing articles related to personal development, leadership and productivity, I started with a clean slate. By committing to writing new articles every week, a few years later, I now have written hundred of articles.
The simple discipline of writing every week has helped me build my content library. That has also helped increase how many visitors come to my website every day.
Staying consistent for several years has made a big difference as I expand my reach and inspire more people.
5 Reasons Why Consistency is an Important Habit
Here are five benefits or reasons why consistency is an important habit to have. Knowing these reasons can be the motivation you need to give more attention to it.
It develops discipline and self-control. Forming a new habit can be challenging because it’s easier to go back to what you’re comfortable with. Your ability to be consistent requires self-control, which means you don’t allow yourself to get off track while staying focused on incremental improvement. This will help you develop the discipline required to keep going.
It builds a higher level of trust. The level of trust you have with yourself shows up in the level of trust others have with you. Being consistent will help build momentum. This means you’ll also feel good about what you’re working towards.
It can fast track your improvement or development in any area. Consistency will lead to progress, which can speed up the achievement of what you want. This will build your self-confidence, which will help you set bigger and more challenging goals.
It will create accountability. Your results will reveal if you’re consistent or not. If you know you’re not on track, you can hold yourself accountable. This means you can adjust your actions or behaviours and keep progressing towards what you want.
It will help you stand out or be noticed. Small actions carried out repeatedly will amount to big results over time. When you do something for a long period, you will differentiate yourself from those who aren’t consistent. This can help you attract new opportunities that may not have been possible if you hadn’t been consistent.
Ways to Rethink Consistency
Developing consistency doesn’t need to be difficult. It requires a shift in your thinking.
Here are a few things to consider so you can view consistency differently.
Start with small steps. You don’t have to make major changes in a short period if you don’t need to. You can build towards something big by starting with small steps.
Create a schedule or plan to stay on track. If you don’t measure our progress, it’s difficult to stay consistent. A plan to keep track of your progress will help you improve much faster.
Make better use of idle or free time. Everyone has the same amount of time every day. Learning to use your free time wisely can help you stay consistent.
Give yourself a break when you get off track. It’s inevitable you’ll get distracted and lose focus of what you want to accomplish. Rather than beating yourself up about it, learn from your mistakes and recommit to doing what’s required.
How to Be Consistent
Here are a few things to consider if you want to be consistent and become a more successful person.
Have goals you want to achieve.
Allocate time every week to the things that matter to you.
Notice your triggers and what motivates you.
Review your progress and ask for feedback regularly.
Celebrate any successes you’ve achieved to maintain momentum and stay motivated.
Final Thoughts
You can accomplish anything you want in life if you have the right strategies and take the right actions consistently. When you accept consistency is an important habit, you can use it to your advantage, which will improve how you feel and the results you create.
If you don’t develop consistency, the chances of achieving what you want, when you want, is very small.
Action Step: Choose a goal or something you want to accomplish. Identify one action that’s required to achieve it. Create a plan to track that action for at least 60 days or until it becomes a habit.
Question: What are other reasons why consistency is an important habit?