How Leadership Has Changed Over The Past Decade

People usually believe that a concept like leadership is meant to stay as it is for generations. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. Leadership is like cultural norms that underpin change over time. 

The kind of leadership you see today is nothing like what it was 10 years ago. A lot has changed and the only way one can hope to succeed as a leader these days is by knowing and embracing all these changes. Here’s how leadership has changed over the past decade. 

1. Autocratic leadership was popular among leaders. In many workplaces, managers had the ultimate power of making decisions based on their personal views and experience. 

What changed? Inclusiveness has become the gold standard for leadership. 

2. Figuring out what to do and then telling people what, when, where, and how to do it was a major challenge for the previous generations of leaders. 

What changed? Technology is making everything a lot easier. 

3. Not too long ago, the standard command and control approach was often the norm in most organizations.

What changed? Employees, particularly millennials, want leaders that empower rather than command people.

4. Leaders used to find success in taking names and kicking butt. They were never affected by their team’s growth - all they wanted was results. 

What changed? The new generation of leaders has a passion to leave a legacy that others may follow.

5. Leaders were never puzzled by their many responsibilities. They always maintained a stiff upper lip at work and juggled all responsibilities successfully. 

What changed? Well, some things don’t change. 

Sandeep Kashyap


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